What is Wrong with our Society Today

What is Wrong with our Society Today

The realization that something is wrong with society today If you commit yourself to spiritual growth, you’ll wonder what is wrong with our society today because you’ll start seeing things clearly. You’ll notice that many people are self-centred narcissists who…

Why Having Friends Is Overrated

why having friends is overrated

Today, we are told to have friends because friendships are important on the path to success, give us a sense of belonging, reduce stress, boost our self-esteem, motivate us to reach our goals, and increase happiness. I agree that friends…

Does Prayer Work?

Does prayer work

The question, Does Prayer Work? has been asked by many people today. People are wondering whether committing to a prayerful life is a fruitless or fruitful activity. What many people don’t know is that this question only arose in the…