life changing diamond platinumz quotes

24 Life Changing Diamond Platinumz Quotes

Last Updated on June 7, 2024 by The Unbounded Thinker

Nasibu Abdul Juma, mainly known as Diamond Platinumz, is a talented Tanzanian musician and the best musician in Africa. I love almost all his songs and I listen to them every day.  Anybody who knows me knows that I love Diamond Platinumz’ songs.

Diamond Platinumz is a superb artist because all his songs are hit songs. Many people, including me, wonder how he has managed to release hit songs since he officially released his first song in 2009. He has collaborated with amazing African musicians, particularly Fally Ipupa, Koffi Olomide, Davido, etc. He has also collaborated with American musicians such as Neyo, Rick Ross, and Omarion.

Besides being a musician, he owns a record label, TV station, and radio station. He has signed amazing musicians who are now ranked among Africa’s best artists.

I have watched most of his interviews, and while watching, I noted down the following quotes.


N/B – The quotes are translated from Swahili to English.

  1. You have to work for you to be successful  / Ili ufanikiwe lazima ufanye kazi.
  2. Everything is possible  / Kila kitu kinawezekana.
  3. When working in any field, you have to know people who work in that field   / Kazi yoyote ukifanya lazima ujuane na wafanyi biashara wenzako.
  4. I focus on investing  / Nimejizatiti kwa uekezaji.
  5. I decided to treat my passion like a career  / Nimeamua kuchukua muziki wangu kama kazi.
  6. I respect my work  /Nimeheshimu kazi yangu.
  7. Every artist has his niche  / Kila msanii ana nafasi yake katika maisha.
  8. I believe I couldn’t have been here if I was never helped. Thus, I usually help everybody / Naamini nisingesaidiwa nisingefika hapa. So namsaidia kila mtu.
  9. Some media stations believe we (artists) can’t progress without them.  That does not apply to me. /Kuna media zina imani ya kwamba pasipo wao watu hawaendi. Sio kwangu.
  10. Every human being with common sense must be afraid of tomorrow. If you don’t fear the future, you won’t save money, respect people, and you won’t do good work. /Mwanadamu yoyote mwenye akili timamu lazma aogope kesho. Ikiwa huogopi kesho hautoweza kuhifadhi pesa, hutoweza kusheshimu watu, hutoweza kufanya kazi nzuri.
  11. I try helping different people because you never know who will help you in the future.   /Najitahidi kusaidia watu tofauti kwasababu huwezi kujua nani atakusaidia kesho.
  12. People must remember you for your good deeds  /Lazma unapokua haupo lazma watu wakukumbuke kwa matendo mema.
  13. Even when you are at school studying, you won’t succeed if you are not creative.  /Ata ukiwa chuo unasoma. Kama hauko creative, hautofanikiwa.
  14. Nothing is easy. Everything is difficult.  / Hakuna kitu rahisi. Kila kitu kina ugumu.
  15. I usually tell people to think outside the box.  / Mi naambiaga watu lazima tuwaze nje ya box.
  16. You can’t earn money if you don’t work. / Riziki huwezi kuipata kama hufanyi kazi.
  17. I believe when you select a career related to your talent, you’ll be richer than when you select a career that you don’t like.  / Mimi naamini kama ukisomea talent yako utaweza kua tajiri kuliko ukisomea katika kitu cha kulazimishwa
  18. I’m a fruitful tree. Therefore, I will never be afraid when people throw stones at me. /Me ni mti mwenye matunda. So milele siogopi kupigwa mawe
  19. The most important thing is to focus on yourself and your career development. /Cha muhimu ni kujiangalia wee mwenyewe ubora wako wa kazi unafanyaje.
  20. If it’s not God’s will for me to fail, then it will be difficult for me to fail in music. /Kama Mwenyezi Mungu hajaandika, kwangu mimi kufail kwa muziki itakua kazi sana
  21. I don’t go out a lot. I stay indoors a lot. / Sitoki out sana. Nakaa ndani sana.
  22. If you are an artist you must understand the market and know what you want. / Msanii lazima ujue unataka nini. Lazima ujue soko vizuri
  23. I am always in the studio 24/7. / Me nakaa 24/7 studio
  24. The most important thing is collaboration in doing good work.  /Cha muhimu ni watu tushirikiane tufanye kazi nzuri

This is my favourite song by Diamond Platinumz.

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