Discover amazing information about SEMEN RETENTION from my book "THE MAGIC OF SEMEN RETENTION."
Last Updated on May 29, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker
Many Great Thinkers reveal that the best way to enjoy every moment of life is to remind yourself that you might die at any moment.
I used to think this advice was absurd until I lost my beloved best friend: Fred Jesse. His death made me realize that death is real and unpredictable. Fred didn’t know he will die. We drank too much alcohol the last time we met, and he was sure that we’ll meet again. It never occurred to both of us that his death was around the corner.
Fred died a few months later on a grizzly road accident. When I heard the news of his death, it was hard to believe because I never thought Fred would die too soon.
His death made me realize that no one knows when they will die because we can die at any moment.
After Fred’s death, I constantly thought about my mortality. I then pinpointed the following benefits of becoming aware that you, your friends or relatives might die at any moment.
Will you care about other people’s thoughts if you know that you’ll be dead in a few weeks? Will you care about someone’s opinion about you if you realize that the person is going to die? What if you worry about what a certain person thinks of you, then s/he dies a week later. Will it be wrong to say that all your worry was a waste of time and energy?
With this in mind, it’s clear that being aware of our impending deaths enables us to stop caring about people’s thoughts or opinions because they won’t matter when we/they die.
Thinking about my death made me learn how to live in the present moment and stop worrying about a future that might never come. I realized that all I have is the present moment, and I must stop being anxious about an unguaranteed future. It also dawned on me that all of us could enjoy every moment if we realized that it might be the last.
‘Every moment is a once in a lifetime moment. And maybe it’s the last. Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.’ – Jonas Salzebeger
Realizing that your friends or relatives might die at any moment will force you to maintain a good relationship with them because you won’t want your loved ones to die with unsolved issues between you and them.
We refuse to solve issues with our friends/relatives because we think they’ll live forever. We fail to realize that we might never get a chance to forgive them or ask them for forgiveness because death might grab anyone any time.
When you become death-conscious, you’ll quit postponing important things because you’ll realize that you might die any time and fail to do them.
You’ll stop postponing the day you’ll start traveling around the world, when you’ll build a business, when you’ll start doing what you love, when you’ll start saving money for your loved ones, and many other important things you always want to do but often postpone.
Thinking about death makes me thankful that all my family members are alive.
Do you remember the woman who lost her entire family in a car accident in 2016? I guess either all or some of your family members are alive. Therefore, stop worrying about trivial issues and be thankful that you still have a chance to experience the physical universe with your loved ones. Realize that you have a shoulder to cry on. Some people don’t.
Concluding Remarks
We always think we are immortal and for this reason, we take our precious lives and those of our friends or relatives for granted. We never appreciate their presence because we think they’ll live forever. Besides this, we love worrying about the future without thinking that we might fail to exist in it because life is short and death is unpredictable.
We don’t realize that we only have one chance to experience the beauty of the physical universe, and that life is too short to hold grudges, worry, postpone, hate, care about people’s opinions, and do what we hate.
‘When we realize the shortness of life, we begin to see the importance of making every moment count.’ – Dillion Burroughs: American Author.
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