Top 15 Motivating Jay Z Quotes - (Net worth - $1 billion)

Top 15 Motivating Jay Z Quotes – (Net worth – $1 billion)

Last Updated on August 9, 2019 by The Unbounded Thinker

Jay Z is a wealthy American rapper and entrepreneur. He is among the best rappers in the world as he has sold over 110 million records. Besides being a good rapper, Jay Z is a successful businessman who owns multi-million dollar companies. For this reason, he’s been interviewed by Oprah Winfrey and many other influential TV personalities.

Here are some of his motivating quotes I noted down while watching the interviews.

  1.  ‘You have to be strong enough and resilient to believe in whatever you are trying to do.’
  2. ‘Have such a strong belief in yourself that you can quiet out all the outside noise because that’s what you gonna need every step of the way.’
  3. ‘Belief in oneself and knowing who you are; that’s the foundation of everything great.’
  4. ‘The genius thing that we did was we didn’t give up.’
  5. ‘For me, it’s just having discipline and having the confidence in who I am.’
  6. ‘Get involved in things that you love.’
  7. ‘Everything in life is for your greatest good, no matter how difficult it seems at the time.’
  8. ‘I’d rather die enormous than live dormant, that’s how we on it.’
  9. ‘If you set your intention and you believe with your whole soul. It’s (success) gonna happen for you, I promise you.’
  10. ‘I love what I do, and if you love what you do, you’ll wanna be the best at it.’
  11. ‘I have learned more from failures than success.’
  12. ‘Only two things will get you through this; that’s patience and persistence.’
  13. ‘I believe you can speak things into existence.’
  14. ‘I am not afraid of dying. I am afraid of not trying.’
  15. ‘The truth about talent is it’s God-given.’


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  1. My favorites are:
    The genius thing that we did was we didn’t give up.
    Only two things will get you through this; that’s patience and persistence.

    I am never giving up on myself. Thank you for sharing