Four Reasons Why People Think Africans Are Dumb

Last Updated on May 29, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

I am an African from Kenya, and I’m proud to be African. However, sometimes I hate being African because most races think Africans are dumb. This perception of Africans really hurts me, and I often contemplate on why the world came to such conclusions about Africans.

While contemplating about the reasons why other races think the African race is dumb, I discovered four reasons why most races think so.

1.Many Africans Are Black but Believe in a White God

Many Africans (including me when I was young) believe in a white God. Other races worship a God they believe possesses physical features similar to theirs. But Africans pray to a white God and believe a Jewish Messiah (Jesus) is their savior. Anyone who notices this fact about Africans will think Africans are dumb because they were easily brainwashed.

2.Africans Are Poor Despite Having Lots of Resources

Africa possesses around 30% of the world’s mineral resources and produces 30 % of the world’s gold. Despite the large amounts of natural resources in Africa, many Africans are poor. Other races thus believe Africans are dumb because they can’t use their natural resources to improve their economic condition. These resources are mostly exploited by foreign countries that have little or no resources.

3.People Believe Africans Have Never Made Technological Innovations

Most races believe Africans are dumb because they’ve never made technological innovations. They think technological innovations are only made by Europeans, Asians, or Americans. Little do they know that South Africa has the world’s largest super radio telescope and that a Ugandan invented a biomedical jacket that diagnoses Pneumonia.

4.The Media

The media shapes our beliefs, and it has succeeded in making people believe Africans are dumb. It avoids showing the world the technological, political, and economic advancements that show the intelligent side of Africans.

For as Chibuike Oguh pointed it out, “The dominant representation of Africa in the Western media usually ignores the actualities and specificities of social and economic processes that occur in the continent. This representation also ignores the many political and economic success stories that have been taking place in the continent.”


Most Africans abandoned their gods after embracing Christianity and Islam. Most of them live poor lives despite that Africa is a wealthy continent. Moreover, Africa has made fewer technological innovations than most continents despite possessing resources that support innovation.

The above reasons prevent me from resenting other races for thinking Africans are dumb. If you are an African reading this article, think about these reasons from the perspective of a White Man, and you’ll think Africans are dumb.

But Africans aren’t dumb. History shows that Africans were highly intelligent folks that built magnificent buildings. In fact, some archeologists believe human technology began in Africa thousands of years ago. We only appear dumb because we were brainwashed.


You are welcome to comment on the idea of Africa being dumb. I will not take your comments personally, and I will not consider them racist. I believe in a free world where we educate each other with an open mind.


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  1. I think it would’ve been even dumber to continue to believe in their own religions, after all even though Christianity is a “white religion” Jesus wasn’t white at all, he looked more like a terrorist(a supposed object of white hate) yet most believe in him.
    2. Africans have the lowest average iq by far – 70, which is legally retarded or something,
    3. Intellect is not everything to life, look at how white people want to be black now. They have way better emotional intelligence imo and social skills by far that I think many other races envy, also they are usually really funny.

    • it couldn’t have been dumber for Africans to believe in their religions because ancient African religion aligned with African values and it helped to bring spiritual growth. About Africa’s IQ and Africans being more emotionally intelligent, i dont know about that. I think you just made a hasty generalization

  2. I think there is something to do with natural origin….blacks lack innovation,creativity..they depended on nature..but i am always asking myself why we are so dump…Writers should stop hiding behind Egypt…whose country is at the border …means Egyptians are not blacks…some of them originated through mingling of blacks and Whites….which sourced Arabs and Indians…therefore Egptians are whites….just start from central Africa to Southern Africa where there are original blacks…there is no archtechnical establishment that reflect an advanced technology….compared to UK..that has buildings as old as from 1400..that means even before colonialism…an Africans couldnt innovante something up to standard and durable that can be shown to generations …like St Pauls cathédrale in UK…Nothing..! We always hide behind colonialism..we cant retrieve any written information…due to illiteracy….no history…
    I am an African myself…but i doubt our background…

  3. Saying black people are not dumb by using a South African example of a radio telescope developed by third party white countries speaks volumes…….

    blacks are not in tune with nature either. They rely on nature but could not figure out how to stop a blight even if they had the chemical formula to stop it without white or yellow help…..

  4. blacks were in tune with nature..European colonization destroyed our connection with nature..and we only started relying on white help after you colonized us…before that, we lived happier simpler lives, and we didnt need help from anyone because we had everything we needed…you came and exploited our resources, left us poor, and we now depend on you

  5. I believe this last comment from “into the light” is correct. Yes, introducing technology destroyed the harmony that the native Africans had with their land. Unfortunately progress is the natural order of the human race and adapting to it seems to be the only way to cope with this so called “progress”. Africa by its nature seems to be unable to do this and has been largely left behind from the rest of the world. The best thing for africa to do would be to protect its resources until they become scare in the rest of the world and increase their standard of living by selling their resources at the rest of the worlds expense. Sadly, I dont think this will happen and the rest of the world will continue to exploit Africa’s resources draining the country of any potential it had to become a leading nation.