Top 30 More Insightful Truths You Must Know Right Now - Part 2

Top 30 More Insightful Truths You Must Know Right Now – Part 2

Last Updated on September 17, 2023 by The Unbounded Thinker

I love reading spiritual books and meditating on life. As a result, I usually discover deep truths, which I must share with you. Here are 30 of these insightful truths.


  1. When you trust the universe, you become one with it.
  2. The main aim of spirituality is to help you find the Creator within you.
  3. We’ll never understand life.
  4. Modern society’s attempts to intellectualize life have resulted in life losing its meaning and beauty.
  5. Nature is optimistic. Wildebeests cross rivers knowing that crocodiles will attack them, and mice enter our houses knowing that we might attack them.
  6. Trusting yourself is to trust the Creator because you are a physical manifestation of the Creator.
  7. Most of us are stupid because the need to please others guides our decisions and actions.
  8. Trusting life turns obstacles into challenges.
  9. Trying to control life is the beginning of depression, stress, and anxiety.
  10. As you grow spiritually, you’ll realize that life will always destroy your imagined ability to control the future.
  11. Many people lose their innate abilities because modern society prevents us from living the way nature intended.
  12. Always study your dreams, and you’ll discover your unconscious thoughts, emotions, and feelings.
  13. Try lucid dreaming if you want to experience the beauty of flight.
  14. The Creator will always answer your prayers, but not the way you might want it/him/her to answer.
  15.  Capitalists/the Elite hate the virtuous person because he is unaffected by external events.
  16. Most people can’t realize that nature is dying because they are out of tune with life.
  17. The easiest way to get in tune with life is to live in harmony with nature.
  18. All religions aim at enabling us to rise above the egoic state of consciousness.
  19. The modern way of life is designed to hinder creativity because creativity is a threat to the elite.
  20. Creating great things requires patience.
  21. We’ll experience heaven on earth when we learn how to attain a still mind.
  22. The fact that many ancient myths of societies that never had cultural contact had a similar structure, implies that ancient men were able to access the collective unconscious.
  23. Religion tries to define and name The Creator, but The Creator can neither be defined nor named because only the transient can be defined and named.
  24. If we contemplate death, birth, the movement of the celestial bodies, and study nature, we’ll realize that life is controlled by something powerful.
  25. The terms ‘God,’ ‘Allah,’ ‘Yahweh,’ refer to that which is beyond space and time.’
  26. Life is a miracle: scientists, intellectuals, spiritualists, and mystics cannot accurately explain what it is and how it came into existence.
  27. Ancient people were highly connected with nature because they loved nature and knew its importance.
  28. Every morning, be thankful because life has given you one more chance to be whatever you want to be.
  29. Study how animals live, and you’ll know how to attain stillness.
  30. Knowing that God exists makes positive thinking easy to embrace.

I believe you learned a thing or two from these insightful truths. You can join my facebook community, unbounded wisdom community for more insightful truths.

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